Flexible Schedule Jobs: Give Your Employees What They Want

Flexible Schedule Jobs: Give Your Employees What They Want

Daycare and child care costs parents over $16,200 a year, and that price is growing at double the rate of inflation. Since both parents began routinely entering the workplace in the 1970s, child care has increased more than 2000% (and it’s still rising)!

It isn’t only parents that want flexible schedule jobs, though. Recent surveys performed by Gardner, PwC, and FlexJobs have shown that flexible schedules work for employers and employees alike.

What is a flexible schedule? What benefits are companies and workers reaping? Keep reading to see what flexible schedule jobs can do for your small business.

What Are Flexible Schedule Jobs?

Everyone who has lived through 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic knows that “WFH” is a thing now.

WFH or work-from-home is a style of working that businesses adopted as they were forced to close their physical offices and workspaces due to the pandemic. Though, it’s only one of a variety of new flexible schedule job models that include:

  • Full-time remote
  • Part-time remote
  • Hybrid remote
  • Telecommute
  • Compressed work schedule
  • Adjusted work hours
  • Job sharing

Anything else tends to only be a variation on these basic types of work plans. Getting familiar with a rundown of the details of each type of flexible schedule job model is a good idea. Moving forward, having an HR that can adapt to this new and changing landscape is essential for even small and medium-sized businesses.

It turns out that remote work is the best for long-term independent contractors. A hybrid remote-work, job sharing, or compressed work schedule may be best for full employees. Securely logging into your company’s network and systems through a VPN tunnel and having meetings through video conferences has made location dependence a thing of the past.

How Businesses and Employees Benefit

The data is now in from the latest 2020 remote working productivity audits. The results?

  • Over 80% of companies across the board are looking to implement flexible schedule work
  • 47% intend to continue full-time remote work
  • 43% are granting flex days
  • 42% are providing flex hours
  • 30% are hoping to implement “Hybrid workforce” models

Facebook, Verizon, Twitter, and more are pushing for a full full-time remote worker status. Facebook currently only has 5% working from an in-house office.

As a result of a digital transformation, companies are seeing 7.7% increases in annual revenue and 6.8% savings on annual supply chain expenses.

An area promising large savings is office space. Remote work and telecommuting are saving companies $11,000 on average. Employees themselves are saving between $2,500 and $4,000 by working remotely.

The number one advice from CEOs who successfully navigated the digital transformation is to “establish a flexible business and workforce plan.”

Need Help With HR? Call Intrepid Payroll

HR departments and payroll services are primed for this change from the standard work model. Small and medium-sized businesses may be asking how to keep an eye on worker safety, health, culture, and more.

Intrepid Payroll has the experience and ability to match you with a PEO that can help you with these and other concerns in this new business landscape.

The world is changing. Let Intrepid Payroll help you to change along with it. Contact us today to find out how we can help you better run your business!