Stressed at Work? 5 Burnout Symptoms You Need to Know

Have your stress levels skyrocketed in 2020?

You’re not alone. Consider these findings from a recent survey:

  • 91% of employees who work from home report “moderate to extreme” stress levels
  • 69% of workers admit this is the most stressful time in their entire professional career
  • One-third of workers lose two hours (or more) of productivity every day due to increased stress

There’s no doubt that prolonged stress can lead to physical and emotional burnout. Do you know how to recognize the difference, both in yourself and your employees?

In this post, we’ll discuss some common burnout symptoms, as well as practical steps you can take to better manage your stress. Keep reading!

5 Common Burnout Symptoms

When do stress and low morale cross the line to burnout? Here are some key signs you’re experiencing work-related burnout.

1. Physical Ailments

People suffering from burnout may experience frequent headaches, stomach pain, and intestinal issues. Your blood pressure and heart rate may be elevated. And you have zero energy, no matter how much sleep you get.

2. Emotional Exhaustion

When you’re too tired to care, you simply stop caring. You have to drag yourself out of bed each morning and you struggle to focus during the day. “I hate my job” has become your new personal motto — whether you say it aloud or not.

3. Poor Work Performance

Are most of your remarks (or thoughts) negative and cynical? Everything annoys you now, and you quickly lose your patience with customers or colleagues. You feel unproductive and disillusioned, not only with your job but perhaps your personal life as well.

4. Emotional Distancing

Everything about your job, your boss, or your workplace environment frustrates you. Every task feels harder than it should. As your stress levels rise, you switch off emotionally and become “numb” to your work, your colleagues, or your family.

5. Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

One of the clearest burnout symptoms is the need to “escape” when your workday ends. You seek emotional comfort in alcohol, drugs, binge eating, or other unhealthy habits. You may suffer from insomnia during the week or be unable to get out of bed on the weekends (or both).

How to Treat Burnout

What steps should you take if you detect any of these burnout symptoms? Rest assured that burnout is reversible, so long as you take a proactive approach.

Here are some suggestions to help you get back on track:

  • Get support from friends or colleagues. If your company offers an employee assistance program, take advantage of it.
  • Discuss specific concerns with your supervisor. Together you may be able to find solutions or compromises that work for both of you.
  • Focus on eating healthfully and getting sufficient rest each night.
  • Get at least some exercise daily, even if it’s just a walk around the block after work.
  • Find healthy activities that help you destress, such as yoga, journaling, or tai chi.
  • Make self-care a priority. Set aside time to meditate, take a long bath, diffuse essential oils, or treat yourself to a massage.

If you’re employer managing remote employees or in-house staff, keep an eye out for these burnout symptoms. Adopt an open-door policy and assure your workers that you’re available to listen to their concerns.

Manage Burnout Symptoms Through Outsourcing

We’re all feeling worn out from the events of 2020, but it’s harder for some to cope than it is for others. As a small business owner, you no doubt go through phases where you experience some of these burnout symptoms yourself.

Is it possible that you have too much on your plate?

If you’re struggling to keep up with your business needs and juggle those back-office tasks, it’s time to consider a PEO service. By outsourcing those stressful, mind-numbing tasks to a trusted third party, you’ll be free to focus on running your company.

Click here to learn more about how a PEO can help your business and reduce your stress level.